You're hopeless, tired, & maybe even afraid; and all you want is to be free.
Restoration is an intensive 7-week psychoeducation group for women who are ready to take responsibility for their own happiness by ending the cycle of abuse. You were not made to be abused, you were born free, and it is up to you to ensure you remain free.
We will meet weekly in a virtual classroom environment to explore the factors that led to the abuse and to develop the tools that will help you end it for good.
Weekly Topics
If you're ready to get started, click here to receive an assessment to determine if the group is a good fit for you right now. Pleae email with any questions or concerns you may have.
Frequently Asked Questions
The format is a classroom structure that is designed for learning vs. a process group designed for sharing.
The cost is $140. Sliding scale rates are offered based upon your need.
Attendance is not mandatory, but is highly encouraged to ensure you receive the full benefit of the group.
The group is presently being offered as a virtual group. You must be in the state of California to attend.
Before enrolling in the group you will take an assessment to help us to determine if the group is a good fit for you at this time.
The first step in getting to the other side is making a connection. Let's find a time to discuss where you desire to be.
As a trauma-focused therapist, my commitment lies in supporting you to cultivate a strong & healthy self-connection, leading to purposeful and intentional living & healthy connection with others.